Sound Crossings
Muscle Shoals, Alabama
Sound Crossings will feature 209 single-family homes, 65 townhomes, and 60 commercial storefronts, up to four of which being big-box retailers.
Commercial Retailers
Single Family Homes
phase one
Phase One of Sound Crossings will feature 30 residential lots available for sale, pre-sale, and spec homes for purchase. Lots are NOW AVAILABLE! For more information, contact Grace Baker with Re/Max Tri-State at (256) 627-3969.

Work with us
If your business is interested in learning more about available retail spaces at Sound Crossings, contact us today at soundcrossings@gmail.com or complete the form below to be added to our waiting list.
Live at sound
Do you hope to call Sound Crossings home? Join our Waiting List for residential properties and be the first to know when they officially become available!